a moderator message
this is a collaborative writing hobby and we are hoping to keep true to that: a place where you can write with other members, work together, and enjoy yourself without fuss. we ask that everyone who joins unusually be respectful of each other and be open to working with their fellow members to create a thriving, creative community. if you do not make it a habit of actively participating in comms or branching out from your friend groups, please do not join. our focus is providing you with a stable space to write and explore your characters, their personalities, pasts and futures, and various relationships of your choosing.

as you may notice, the majority of this community coding is borrowed from ~peculiars and ~gothic as we originally started as a continuation of those communities. we are NOT the mods that abandon otherwise healthy and active comms. our initial run back in march of this year was fun and full of creativity but there was a very obvious want for supernatural species that we were hesitant to give into. we see there is a need for a dependable comm for those of us who still enjoy non sol and hope to give you the environment you deserve.

rules and guidelines
setting up & applying
ic or ooc journals, no underscores or random letters/numbers included. you will need one ic (spam) post and one screened ooc (bio) post in your journal, back/future dated so that they are pinned to the top and will not appear on the fp.

your ooc post should have the basics (character's full name, birthdate, species, occupation, etc) as well as a bio and/or personality consisting of a minimum of 100 words so that members can get a feel for your character. we understand sometimes things change as we write characters and we encourage adding to your bios as you see fit!

we recommend changing your comment settings to friends only in the event anon harassment kicks up. please avoid using the no-embed coding in your user info as we will check to make sure you're up to date.

updating & activity rules
the first thing we require is for you to run the add/remove button. if you do not run it once within 24 hours of being accepted, we will assume you are DOA and remove you. next, post your intro in the main community or update within 72 hours. you must reply to all of the comments left for you within 48 hours after that.

commenting intros, updates, activities, plot posts and others should be your #1 priority. we do not have set rules about how many times you need to be seen interacting during the week, but this may change in the future if we feel it's necessary. if you're unable to, or otherwise are too busy, we encourage you to reach out and request a hiatus or bring back utilizing the subject line of your ooc post.

beyond that, we require one update per month (and encourage more!). you can post anything that is "substantial"— narratives, threads (with your slp's consent and 5+ replies each), journal entries, moodboards, etc. the sky is the limit! we want to see your creative sides, we want to see writing. lyric posts or one liner social media updates will be counted once, and then on a case by case basis depending on how engaging you are in the comments.

our ooc community
we do have an ooc/storyline community that will ultimately be for members to brainstorm ideas, activities and plots with. non-members looking to join and bounce ideas around or snag connections, can also join.

nsfw & triggering content
while we have nothing against smut, put your booty pics behind a cut and use a nsfw mention somewhere. this is a supernatural comm and while a certain level of dark content is expected we also ask that members be mindful of any potential triggers (i.e., violence, traumas) and use trigger/content warnings generously. if you miss one we will reach out and let you know, but mistakes happen and this won't be held against members who cooperate when asked to add a warning.

outside apps, character limit etc.
we are app-free. please do not advertise the use of any off-site apps in your journals or on the fp. we are not here to police you but in general we suggest avoiding anonymous sites as our experience has always proven to be better without knowing what is going on in them.

our current character limit is two per writer.

ic issues should always be handled ic and if that seems impossible, communicate with one another ooc. everyone is expected to act civily and if this proves to be difficult for you, you may be removed at our discretion. we will not tolerate bullying or harassment.